As a teaching assistant at both the political science department and the Simon Business school  at the University of Rochester, I have had the opportunity to teach undergraduate and professional students in a variety of subjects ranging from business and politics to positive political theory. I have honed my teaching style and skills over the process, and my teaching has been consistently evaluated highly by students. My goal as an instructor is to provide students with analytic tools and theoretical frameworks to effectively describe and explain phenomena in politics. At the University of Virginia, I teach the "Business and Politics" for MPA students at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy. You can see detailed course evaluations here

Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy (UVA)

Business and Politics (Instructor, Graduate Level, Scheduled Spring 2024, syllabus)

Congress and the President (Undergraduate Level, Course in Preparation, syllabus )

Political Science Department (Rochester) 

Introduction to International Relations (Hein Goemans, Spring 2021)

Politics and Markets (David Primo, Spring 2021)

Introduction to Positive Political Theory (Stuart Jordan, Fall 2021)

Business and Politics (David Primo, Spring 2022 and Spring 2023)

Simon Business School (Rochester)

Strategy Beyond Markets (David Primo, Fall 2021) 

Teaching Reference:

David Primo, Professor, University of Rochester (